Tax Solutions

Planejamento Tributário, Conformidade Fiscal, Global Trade, Revisão Fiscal e Tributária, etc.

Brazil's heavy tax burden has long been an opponent of economic development. There are federal, state and municipal taxes surrounding companies on all sides. In addition to the weight it represents in financial terms, the payment of taxes triggers a bureaucracy that makes the life of Brazilian entrepreneurs even more difficult.

It is PGBR's objective to leverage the use of tax benefits and incentives made available by the government, quickly and safely, so that companies can bring "new money" to their cashiers, allowing for increased competitiveness, cost alignment and transformation. of risks into opportunities. For this, it offers integrated management, associating technical knowledge with technology, which provides a safer and more personalized process in the tax area and international operations, tax and customs governance to transform data into business opportunities.

See the Types of Tax Solutions

Tax Planning
Tax planning aims to optimize and enable a tax reduction for companies in accordance with the law. So that the company can operate more efficiently while remaining in legal compliance.
Tax and Tax Consulting
We stand out for our comprehensive and permanent consultancy and assistance involving questions about municipal, state, federal and social security tax legislation; elaboration of projects to obtain tax benefits; review and update of accounting and tax routines; among several other services that can improve the company's internal procedures until the effective reduction of the tax burden.
Tax and Tax Review
It consists of a careful analysis of our clients' tax records and routines, in order to identify tax credits or benefits actually paid by the company. We also point out essential changes to improve tax routines, in order to provide a reduction in the company's tax burden, resulting, consequently, in significant capital savings.
Social Security Review
The PGBR social security department team works in the advisory module, especially in the review and analysis of the calculations of social security contributions on non-salary indemnity funds. In addition to the funds above, the work includes the analysis of the framework of the RAT by establishment; INSS on work cooperatives; Review of the CPRB (Social Security Contribution on Gross Revenue); and Anal Review
Tax Compliance
PGBR has auditors specialized in assessing tax compliance, which aims to assess whether the company is in tax compliance in terms of calculation, delivery of obligations and payment of taxes.
Global Trade
Assessment and calculation of the entire tax burden of a company's international operations in order to better understand the particularities, rules and standards to be followed for each country of operation.

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