Helping to transform the business world for over 60 years

Discover the various Audit and Consulting Services that help boost and optimize your company.

Marketing Audit

Audit responsible for verifying all stages of Marketing campaigns and ensuring the transparency of the processes and their results.

Audit and Assurance

How to add value to your business? How to attract investors? One of the ways to do this is auditing.

EFPC Audit

We have experienced professionals in the EFPC's to compose the Internal Audit Department of these entities, according to regulatory requirements.

What are you looking for?

Meet our Clients

PGBR already operates throughout the national territory serving the largest companies in Brazil. Meet some of our customers.

Read more about us

Who we are

Com mais de seis mil projetos entregues, a PGBR presta, há mais de 60 anos, serviços de Auditoria Independente externa e interna e da Qualidade, Soluções em Impostos, Consultoria e Outsourcing.

He worked in several areas and we acquired specific expertise to present the best solutions to the market.

PGBR was born from the union of important national companies, one of which was founded in 1960, so we have experience and innovation walking together.

Looking for results?

Count on US

For over 60 years supporting small, medium and large companies, delivering solutions through a focused team oriented towards the best results.


Customers served throughout the national territory.


Collaborators, ready to serve you and help you


Projects delivered with mastery and effectiveness.

64 anos

Of experience and professionalism for your business.

Our Services

PGBR, specialized in internal and external independent auditing services, combines high professional standards with honest and independent behavior, following global standards, with the most modern concepts in auditing, accounting and governance.

Marketing Audit

Audit responsible for verifying all stages of Marketing campaigns and ensuring the transparency of the processes and their results.

Audit and Assurance

How to add value to your business? How to attract investors? One of the ways to do this is auditing.

EFPC Audit

We have experienced professionals in the EFPC's to compose the Internal Audit Department of these entities, according to regulatory requirements.

Internal Audit, Governance, Risk and Compliance

Internal quality audit not only looks at how processes work, but also the risks involved in these.

Audit of Quality of Service Indicators - IQS (ANAC)

We are specialists in IQS Auditing for Airport Concessionaires, in accordance with ANAC Regulations and Ordinances.


Assessoria em negociações, Fusões, aquisições, Valuation, Planejamento societário e mais...

Tax Solutions

Tax planning, Fiscal Compliance, Global trade, Tax and tax review, etc.


No serviço de ESG oferecemos o apoio na construção de agendas de ESG para Pequenas e Médias Empresas, Auditoria ESG, Auditoria Ambiental, etc.


Solutions in support activities, from accounting to financial and personnel management, in an integrated and assertive way.

Our Partners

We have several partners to help us deliver the results you are looking for.

The PCAOB is a non-profit corporation established by Congress to oversee audits of public companies.
National technical-scientific association for the defense and valorization of civil engineering, with the aim of disseminating concrete technology and its construction systems.
The Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) is a non-profit organization, national and international reference in corporate governance.
The Regional Accounting Council of the State of São Paulo is part of the system for registering and monitoring the exercise of the accounting profession.
Internal Audit Services supports international companies as competent business partners with services related to Internal Audit,

Segments that PGBR operates

A PGBR, especializada em Auditoria Independente e Consultoria, tornou-se tornou especialista em diversos setores da economia. Com sua associação à PrimeGlobal, além de atender no território nacional, possui alcance global.

Hotels, Malls and Condominiums
In order for hotels, malls and condominiums to be able to maintain their structure in a safe and correct way, they must be certified in a transparent way.
Trades and Industries
In order for industries and businesses to work in accordance with legislation and regulations, controls are needed in several pillars.
Associations need a high level of Governance so that they can guarantee the continuity of their activities based on transparent and effective processes and management.
Communication and Media
PGBR is a pioneer in the national audit market and one of the first to create the Media Audit. With a team specialized in Communication and Digital Marketing and Databases, it offers only
Airport Concessionaires
ANAC recognizes PGBR as suitable for carrying out audits in Airport Concessionaires, with a specialized team.
Focus on presenting solutions to the different demands of Brazilian educational institutions, through data and information.
service providers
PGBR has dedicated itself to developing a consultancy and audit specialized in the realities of Service Providers, focusing on everything organizations need to remain competitive.
PGBR has dedicated itself to developing a consultancy and audit specialized in the realities of Service Providers, focusing on everything organizations need to remain competitive.
Third Sector
The audit contributes to the reduction of costs and risks and increases credibility with the third sector.

Conheça a PrimeGlobal.

Estamos dentre as cinco maiores associações de empresas de contabilidade independente do mundo, com mais de 3000 parceiros e receita de US$3,8 Bi.

Global Representativeness
PrimeGlobal is one of the five largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world, comprising 300 highly successful independent public accounting firms in over 80 countries.
Revenue of $3.8 Billion
PrimeGlobal's independent member firms such as PGBR are home to a combined total of more than 3,000 partners, 28,000 employees and revenue of more than $2.5 billion.
Business opportunity
Its main objective is to provide member companies and their customers with a powerful channel to build relationships with each other and share ideas and business opportunities.

PrimeGlobal believes in providing the tools, resources and opportunities to make critical, independent decisions. With PrimeGlobal, our firms and clients maintain independence and leverage a powerful channel to access the global marketplace of ideas.

This is our strength and our commitment.

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